Arkansas Gov. Sarah Sanders is calling on President-elect Trump's Health and Agriculture departments to move away from junk ...
Arkansas officials will seek federal permission to prohibit food stamp recipients from purchasing “highly processed, ...
The takeaway of these findings can extend to many other aspects of your life, including starting and running a business.
Examination of 81 cancerous colon tumors showed a high percentage of fatty acids linked to ultra-processed foods.
Chief medical officer’s annual report recommends levy on unhealthy food to tackle childhood obesity and worklessness crisis ...
Healthy 'food deserts” in cities combined with junk food advertising are setting children up to live 'shorter and unhealthier ...
“This ‘Nutrition Assistance’ program is undermining the health of millions of Americans, on the taxpayer’s dime, by ...
Healthy "food deserts" in cities combined with junk food advertising is setting children up to live "shorter and unhealthier" ...