Three nerves carry taste signals to the brain stem: the chorda tympani nerve (from the front of the tongue), the glossopharyngeal nerve (from the back of the tongue) and the vagus nerve (from the ...
Medically reviewed by Nicholas R. Metrus, MD Facial nerve paralysis describes weakness in the muscles on one or both sides of ...
including the cerebellum and brain stem. These also fulfill critical functions. Running through parts of the brain are a dozen pairs of cranial nerves, which link the brain directly to muscles and ...
An auditory brainstem implant is an option for people with hearing loss due to damaged or nonfunctioning auditory nerve. It sends a signal from an outside sound receiver directly to their ...
there are actually two vagus nerves, one on each side of the body. They begin in the brain stem, run through the face, neck and chest, and reach into the abdomen, where they terminate in the colon.