When should I take Fixed Odds? There are two optimal times to take Fixed Odds over the Tote: When markets first open; and in the last 30 mins before a race if you begin to notice good money being bet ...
FIT, Bloomberg’s fixed income trading platform, links all available fixed income electronic trading products into one portal and provides multi-dealer, executable composite pricing, so you can ...
In May 2006, Spreadexlaunched an online sports spread betting service, following that up by launching a financial spread betting online trading platform soon after. In 2010, Spreadex added a full ...
British gamblers have lost a total of £11bn on fixed-odds betting terminals (FOBTs) since 2008 - an average of £8,000 per person, according to new figures. However, adds research consultancy ...
Trading in the sphere of betting refers to the practice of buying and selling – or backing and laying – odds on a betting exchange. With the way that odds can fluctuate on betting exchanges it ...
A fixed tariff provides certainty and makes it easier to budget, but now may not be the time to fix with no deals below April’s expected price cap, meaning you could end up paying over the odds.