The definition of guerrilla war is literally "little war," (Fr., petite guerre.) This, however, does not convey its true meaning, for the French say that WILLIAM III., with his grand armies made ...
A Visual History of Guerrilla Warfare From 1775 to 2012 The interactive Invisible Armies Insurgency Tracker presents a database of insurgencies from 1775 to 2012. It supplements the comprehensive ...
Many Loyalists fled the Colonies with a price on their heads. Loyalist guerilla armies like Butler's Rangers became the most effective weapon against the Revolution. These refugees formed guerilla ...
Never mind all that. The really unpardonable mistake was forgetting all the lessons Western armies had learned from a dozen lost guerilla wars in former colonies between 1954 and 1975. France in ...
Guerrilla warfare: The art of swift and strategic ... gave Marathas a defensive edge against invading armies. Mobile Warfare: Shivaji emphasised mobility, using light cavalry and infantry to ...