an EEAAP and Exception Request must be completed and approved in order for the ICT to be procured. If your procurement is for a website that is publicly available and doesn't require a login to use, ...
All information and communication technology (ICT) products or services acquired by the University should be accessible to individuals with disabilities. ICT products or services that have ...
India's "preferential market access" policies, launched in 2013, direct government agencies to give procurement preferences to ICT vendors relying on Indian-made content. Some Indian officials ...
SINGAPORE businesses will get better access to government contracts with two changes: a new scheme for tenders covering both ...
Jordan-Dyan indicated that the department did not have a timeframe for the decentralisation of the ICT procurement. “It is a priority and it is sitting within the medium-term development plan of ...
The reviews are mostly initiated at the procurement or development phase. The type of review is dependent on the level of impact the product or service will have on campus. Please review the ...
Prior to purchasing a technology item, an Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Procurement Request form must be submitted and approved for any requisition or credit card order that contains a ...