Let's take a closer look at long put options by examining a hypothetical trade. You're downbeat on the prospects for XYZ, which is currently trading at $35 per share. Over the next two months ...
A huge options position expiring at the end of the month is giving some on Wall Street a new level to fuss over.
When you buy a long put option on a stock, it's because you expect the shares to decline. In a long put spread, however, you probably have a more concrete downside target in mind. Rather than ...
Options can also be traded directly—not through a broker—on the over-the-counter (OTC) market. A long put is probably the most straightforward put-trading strategy. If an investor is bearish ...
Put options can be used either for speculation or for hedging long exposure. Puts can directly hedge risk. For example, if you were concerned about a possible decline in the technology sector ...
A long put vertical consists of two put options in the same expiration: a long put closer to the stock price and a short put further out-of-the-money (OTM) than the long put. When setting up a put ...
A put option, on the other hand ... they believe the commodity will cost more in the future is said to be long on that futures contract. For instance, if a bread company believed the price ...
An FX trader looking to short the Australian dollar against the U.S. dollar simply buys a plain vanilla put option like the one below: ISE Options Ticker Symbol: AUM Spot Rate: 1.0186 Long ...
A short put vertical spread consists of two put option contracts in the same expiration: a short put closer to the stock price and a long put further out-of-the-money (OTM) than the short put. The ...