The book has enlivened the study of economics for beginning students for more than 40 years. Had Marx produced nothing more in his long years in exile than a revolutionary labor movement he would ...
In fact, in many ways, Lenin turned Marx on his head by placing politics over economics when he argued that Russia had gone through its capitalist stage of history and was ready for a second ...
Marxist theory would suggest that the first economic era in America’s history was “true capitalism,” the kind that Marx and Engels wrote about. It started with the industr i al revolution.
Marx was wrong about the solution, but he anticipated the discontent spawned by a digital economy and its elite overseers.
Stamatis (1984) admits that every critique of the neoclassical school must end in the study of classical political economy and its critique, but he is reluctant to accept a direct connection between ...
The Artstor website will be retired on Aug 1st. World Review of Political Economy Vol. 4, No. 3, Fall 2013 Is the Theory of a Falling Profit Rate V... Marx's theory of the falling rate of profit makes ...