We call this a life cycle. As you grow older, how you look will change a lot. And one of the most amazing changes in nature is the life cycle of the butterfly called… metamorphosis. Me-ta-mor ...
Female Aedes aegypti commonly lay eggs on the inner walls of artificial containers. When the containers fill with water, mosquito larvae hatch from the eggs. After developing through four larval ...
The cellular life cycle, also called the cell cycle, includes many processes necessary for successful self-replication. Beyond carrying out the tasks of routine metabolism, the cell must duplicate ...
The life cycle starts again. One of the most amazing life cycles in nature can happen in your own back garden or local pond. These are tadpoles. They've hatched from these small jelly covered eggs.
What most of us would recognise as a jellyfish - the otherworldly, gelatinous aquatic animals renowned for their sting-filled tentacles - is actually just the final stage of these animals' life cycle.