What does war look like from the inside? Ask Congo’s young slam poets.
Poets Safia Elhillo, Jamila Woods and members of the Stanford Spoken Word Collective shared poems both personal and political ...
Loyola's Social Justice Week invited poet Shivani Gupta to instruct using the power of the pen to combat injustice.
This comes as the 31-year-old adds 40 more dates to his tour due to "overwhelming demand". The tour, named "Wonderful 2", ...
The second annual Chicharra Poetry Slam Festival returns to Albuquerque for five days this week, drawing over 75 of the top poets and spoken word artists from 30 cities across the United States. Like ...
What sets spoken word artist and new Milwaukee Poet Laureate Shelly Conley apart from others is her vulnerability and honesty ...
In poetry slam, the delivery and rhythms of the words is at times even more important than the poem. Each slam poet has three minutes to present their poem in front of a five-member jury and the ...
Ten local high school students will take the stage at the Academy of Music on Saturday, April 5, at 7 p.m. to compete in the ...
“Poetry allows people to look at hard subjects in a more emotional way,” said Johnson. “It allows for us to approach subjects ...
WORLD poetry slam champion Harry Baker will be heading to Skipton in April as part of his four-month UK tour. After ...
The Glens Falls Queen Team presents a SPEAK OUT! Poetry Slam on Thursday, March 6, from 7 to 9 p.m. at Rock Hill Bakehouse ...
Shelly Conley, a prominent figure in Milwaukee's poetry slam scene, has been named the city's new Poet Laureate. Conley is known for her vulnerable storytelling, particularly in her poem "Papa'z ...