A long straddle is an options strategy that involves buying at-the-money puts and calls for the same security with the same expiration date in hopes of profiting off of expected price volatility ...
To initiate a short straddle, you will sell (to open) one put option, and simultaneously sell (to open) one call option. Both options will be based on the same underlying stock, and will share the ...
To initiate a long straddle, you will simultaneously buy to open a call option and a put option on the same underlying stock. Both options will have the same strike price and the same expiration date.
This week, several major companies will be reporting earnings. Among them are Micron (MU), Nike (NKE), Carnival (CCL), FedEx ...
It's the end of another workweek. Boy, this week was long, given all the market craziness. As I write this, the S&P 500 ...
The implied post-earnings move in Nvidia is calculated by taking the cost of an at-the-money options straddle and dividing that by the current stock price. For example, based on Nvidia trading at ...