Make certain that ALL MARGINS, including those for figures and ... tables and figures that is standard for your discipline. The format and styles must remain consistent throughout your thesis or ...
Follow the format of the sample provided below ... However, the margins must conform to those of the overall thesis, i.e. left margin = 1.5"; right margin = 1"; top margin = 1"; bottom margin = 1.25".
Thesis margins should be 1 inch from all edges ... Examples of headings are provided on the sample pages. The student may choose another style. The title page contains the thesis title; candidate's ...
The title page must conform to this sample; otherwise, the Graduate School reserves the right to require the page to be redone. The thesis title should be concise and meaningful and the title on the ...
One good way to achieve the exact format is to use the electronic ... divisions and first level of subdivisions of the thesis. Page numbers for each heading are to be shown in a column at the right ...
University format requirements that will be reviewed by the Thesis/Dissertation Office covering paper requirements; typeface and quality; spacing; margins, page numbering; title page; and abstract.
The creative writing thesis will be an original ... must be provided on the left side of each page. All other margins must be at least one inch. The title page must conform to the format shown on the ...
University format requirements that will be reviewed by the Thesis/Dissertation Office covering paper requirements; typeface and quality; spacing; margins, page numbering; title page; and abstract.