You read a lot in games, so why not read in real life and learn all about the industry you love! Here is our list of 10 of ...
The notion that films, video games, books, and so on should be enjoyed as originally intended is valid, but adaptations—handled with care and respect for the source material—can act as ...
Brandon Sanderson is a fantasy author for writing high-quality series at a dizzying pace: Mistborn, The Stormlight Arhive, ...
Supercade was Van Burnham's ode to the golden age of video games -- a big coffee table book that captured the visual history of games from 1971 to 1984.
Want coverage of the Zemmix and Dendy? Were you even aware they existed? Lewis Packwood’s book Curious Video Game Machines was written to fill in some of those gaps. Structured around game ...
The Invincible game is still in active development and Robert Kirkman has nothing but exciting things to say about it.
The pioneering video game designer is adapting his top-rated podcast A Better Paradise into his first novel. Houser spoke with PW about different forms of storytelling and how his creative process ...