American tactics in Vietnam can be summed up by the acronym BEAST - Bombing, Escalation, Air and artillery, Search and destroy and Technology. Example Bombing President Johnson ordered the bombing ...
The Vietnamese Communists, or Vietcong, were the military branch of the National Liberation Front (NLF), and were commanded by the Central Office for South Vietnam, which was located near the ...
Dow made Napalm, the chemical gas that had become a symbol of the war in Vietnam. When students sat in at the Commerce Building, the university asked the police for help. As Madison police officer ...
Events like the My Lai Massacre were reported in the US press leading many ordinary Americans to question the war. Film footage of US soldiers burning homes and of the effects of napalm all turned ...
Military history professor Bill Allison rates more Vietnam War movies, such as "Forrest Gump," for realism. Allison breaks down additional battlefield tactics used by the Viet Cong, or VC ...
Military history professor Bill Allison rates Vietnam War movies, such as "Apocalypse Now," for realism. Allison breaks down battle tactics used by the United States military; Viet Cong ...