Archaeologists received word of the possible bunker from the family of the ... operating in the region during the post-World War II Soviet occupation. The fighting lasted primarily from 1944 ...
The Dead Hand system was the Soviet Union's last line of deterrence in the event of a crippling nuclear strike, a way to inflict millions of casualties on its enemies even if the Soviet chain of ...
A Russian team discovered a sprawling bunker complex apparently ... the eastern coast of Hokkaido seized by Soviet forces at the end of World War II. The expedition leader likened the ruined ...
The Yakovlev Yak-9 stood out as the fighter aircraft with the highest production in the Soviet Union during WWII, with an estimated 16,769 units manufactured. Fueled by a 1,650 horsepower engine ...
A combination of the Japanese and former Manchurian armies fought against the enemy made up of the former Soviet Union and ... “starting point” of World War II.