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AHRQ's Healthcare Simulation Dictionary, Version 3.0 (PDF, 2 MB), includes 170 definitions of healthcare simulation terms ranging from “avatars” and “manikins” to “gamification” and “virtual reality.” ...
Editor’s Note: Due to the Christmas and New Year’s holidays, AHRQ News Now will not publish again until Jan. 7. Black non-Hispanic women and Hispanic women both experienced a 43 percent increase in ...
Between 2016 and 2021, the rate of delivery stays with respiratory-related severe maternal morbidity (SMM) complications increased 137 percent, the rate of stays with renal-related SMM complications ...
The Resident Surveys have been through the following development process: Focus groups. In the early phase of development, CAHPS researchers conducted focus groups with nursing home residents and ...
After the Institute of Medicine released its sentinel report, To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), in conjunction with its Federal ...
The Role of the Nurse Manager module of the Comprehensive Unit-based Safety Program (or CUSP) Toolkit addresses the role of nursing leaders for your quality improvement initiative. This module ...
A basic principle of quality measurement is: If you can't measure it, you can't improve it. Therefore, fall rates and fall prevention practices must be counted and tracked as one component of a ...
Review the following list of meetings in which falls risk and prevention is potentially discussed by the interdisciplinary team. For every meeting that occurs at your facility, indicate the type of ...
Once you have determined that you are ready for change, the Implementation Team and Unit-Based Teams should demonstrate a clear understanding of where they are headed in terms of implementing best ...
Many organizations are uncertain about how to proceed with designing a workable solution for medication reconciliation. This chapter provides helpful information and tools for designing or redesigning ...
Care coordination in the primary care practice involves deliberately organizing patient care activities and sharing information among all of the participants concerned with a patient's care to achieve ...