ADX announced that the Anshof-2A ("ANS-2A") appraisal well intersected a 6.5-metre ("m") net vertical oil column in high ...
Full chain of controlled undertakings starting with the ultimate controlling natural person or legal entity Name % of voting rights (if at least 3% or more) % of voting rights through instruments (if ...
"Ongoing well pressure monitoring, sampling and testing program for the upper part of the Reifling formation." ADX Energy Ltd (ASX Code: ADX) reported the initial results of flow testing of the upper ...
CORPORATE NEWS -<br /> Announcement / Invitation to participate in distribution of assets Dear valued shareholders, ladies and gentlemen, Since foundation of our company, we have been able to ...
ReGuest S.P.A, with its registered office in Merano, South Tyrol registered in the register of the Bolzano Chamber of Commerce under BZ-242796, announces that on Wednesday, 04.12.2024, an application ...
"Biofrontera AG (ISIN: DE000A4BGGM7), an international biopharmaceutical company, today announced its financial results for the first nine months ended September 30, 2024. Key Financial Figures and ...
Dornbirn, 10 December 2024 – In the course of the share buyback program for shares of Zumtobel Group AG (ISIN AT0000837307) as announced on 29 November 2023, the following transactions were executed ...
Based on the timing and nature of the carve-out of the European tower infrastructure and formation of the Group assets, two key facts are relevant to consider when reviewing the above results of ...
AVENTA AG veröffentlicht heute den vorläufigen Jahresabschluss 2023. Die Abschreibung des Beteiligungsansatzes an der AVENTA Immobilien GmbH iHv 33,5 mEUR bedeutet den Verlust von mehr als der Hälfte ...