Meta’s popular messaging app WhatsApp is testing a new design that gives prominent space to a suite of AI chatbots. The design, currently only accessible through the app’s Android beta, adds a dedicated tab for AIs on the app’s homescreen.
The suit helped form the basis of an urgent written appeal from the American Psychological Association to the Federal Trade Commission, pressing the federal agency to investigate deceptive practices used by any chatbot platform. The APA sent the letter, which Mashable reviewed, in December.
Screenshots of leaked new features appear on New customization options include different personality traits You can currently customize ChatGPT manually It looks like OpenAI is about to add new features to the ‘Customize ChatGPT’ section of the chatbot that will give ChatGPT new personality traits that can help you get exactly what you’re looking for from a conversation.
Copilot is Microsoft's generative AI chatbot featured in much of the company's productivity software, and the tool has free and paid versions.
Sure, there's ChatGPT and Claude, but most companies with online customer service now use AI chatbots, too. Here's what you need to know.
That’s why smart ring maker Movano wants to make one thing abundantly clear about its new chatbot, EvieAI: this one has been post-trained exclusively on peer-reviewed medical journals.
Character.AI is facing scrutiny after reports revealed users created chatbots emulating real-life school shooters and their victims.
Character.AI, a popular app allowing users to chat with AI–generated bots, is raising serious concerns among parents. The app, discussed by tech columnist John Herrman in a New York Magazine article published on Jan.
AI has launched the Grok AI chatbot as a standalone iOS app, offering real-time information, image generation, and more, making it accessible to all users.
Companies are using AI that detects human emotions. People are upset but also getting wise by gaming AI on this. Here's the inside scoop of emotion gambits to trick AI.
As chatbots become an integral part of daily life, their emerging role as moral advisors demands careful examination. Addressing the ethical challenges posed by AI’s influence on human decision-making requires collaborative efforts from developers,