The pre-registration window is officially open on PC, iOS, and Android for Mecharashi, a free-to-play tactical RPG that puts ...
Inspired by Command and Conquer and Company of Heroes, the seriously nasty RTS games Warfare 1917 and Warfare 1944 are finally back.
Epic Games Store has announced that a ton of free games are coming to EGS users on PC throughout 2025 that will save gamers lots of money.
Every month you can go on the Epic Games Store and snag a usually pretty decent game for absolutely free. It’s not clear if this largesse is meaningfully moving the needle in the company’s battle to ...
PC gamers on Steam have a limited time to claim a game with 'very positive' reviews absolutely free of charge.
Meteor Magic Games has announced AEROMACHINA, a low-poly Metroidvania action platformer inspired by the original PlayStation era. It will be available for PC via Steam. A release date was not ...
Splashy blockbuster games are great, but there are there are a huge number of indie and smaller video games worth playing, too. Whether they’re pushing the boundaries of the medium and or offering a ...
Reported to have amassed over 7,000 players, a free-to-play web3 game named PirateFi launched on Steam last week and was ...
Civilization 7's Antiquity Age has ten civilizations, each with their own distinct and unique units, from Egypt's Medjay to Greece's Hoplites.
God is dead, killed by a mighty Church that conquered the world with his power. Now, it faces the Apocalypse. Experience it in an RPG beat 'em up as one of its Immortal Hunters. Defy fate, expose the ...
Metacritic aggregates music, game, tv, and movie reviews from the leading critics. Only uses METASCORES, which let you know at a glance how each item was reviewed. Find your next game ...