leaving the German High Com-mand in a hopeless state of confusion. At the same time, Rommel's Chief of Staff was actually on leave. And, due to faulty intelligence, the Afrika Korps was completely ...
Step one – as epitomized by Purim – is the struggle to bring the Jews together, to unite as a loving community, albeit in a ...
AURORA, Colo. -- With members of a trailblazing Black Air Force unit passing away at advanced ages, efforts to remain true to ...
Our friends, the International Consortium for Investigative Journalists, have taken their act to sea these days, tracking ...
The presence of Russian mercenaries in Africa was once hailed as a success story, but recently the pressure on them has increased. A new report offers strategies to counter Russian influence.
To many others, mostly among his critics but also including some on the far right, it bore an uncanny resemblance to the straight-armed, palm-down salute of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party.
Criticism has mounted over the Jewish civil rights group’s speedy determination on Monday. Hours after President Donald Trump’s inauguration, many Jewish groups sounded the alarm when Elon ...
1900 Menschen wurden im ersten Halbjahr 2021 als vermisst gemeldet – nach dem Versuch, über den Atlantik auf die Kanarischen Inseln zu flüchten. Einige Migranten starten im afrikanischen ...
"Trotz des Todes von Prigoschin und der Umbenennung zu Afrika-Korps wird der Fußabdruck von Wagner auf dem Kontinent wahrscheinlich weiter zunehmen", meinen Analysten der ...
In der Demokratischen Republik Kongo wird seit mehr oder weniger 30 Jahren gekämpft. Hier spricht der Wissenschaftler Christoph Vogel über den nun erneut entbrannten Konflikt, der schier ...