Sisters Mary Karen and Mary Gabriel implored. It was a rare “off” day for Sisters of Life from different convents getting to be together at their motherhouse in the suburbs of New York.
Always love in truth. Always radiate the truth in love. The Sisters of Life show us in many ways how we need to have a culture of life and a civilization of love. Thank you, if you have given.
Earlier this year Sister Mary Grace and Sister Marie Veritas, members of the Catholic religious community Sisters of Life in Denver, Colorado, answered a series of "top questions about nuns or ...
It sounds like something out of a Hollywood movie.  Two sisters, separated by an ocean and decades of life, were brought ...
“Even though Mom has many challenges, we all want her life to be full of love.” Pope prays Hail Mary with Little SIsters at their Washington, D.C. home. (Photo: Courtesy photo/Sister Constance ...
Fields, who starred as Dorothy “Tootie” Ramsey in the series from 1979 to 1988, said she was eager to work with her “sisters” again. “My Facts of Life sisters, as executive producer ...