The year: 1861. The problem: Pro-slavery states had broken away from the Union, rising up in armed revolt as the treasonous ...
The top U.N. official in South Sudan is warning that the country is teetering on the edge of renewed civil war.
Birmingham’s Dolores Hydock captures library attendees’ attention ANNISTON — Storyteller Dolores Hydock spoke at t Library recently, entertaining the audience with tales of history involving women who ...
From colonial America to the recent war in Iraq, Army stories have captured movie audiences for nearly a century; influencing ...
China’s Civil-Military Fusion (CMF; 军民融合) strategy, combined with its artificial intelligence (AI)–driven cognitive warfare (认知战) capabilities, aims to offset ...
The ongoing escalations in the Gaza Strip and Yemen are interconnected, with each exacerbating the other and both fueling ...
If the right unites, especially if Dominic Cummings, the inveterate plotter and ‘strategic genius’ (Barnard Castle rather undermined the genius label) gets into bed with Farage, the left could be in ...
The BLA’s historical trajectory, its ideological mutations and its potential role in an impending regional conflict need to ...
The Pentagon has restored some webpages highlighting the wartime contributions of Navajo Code Talkers and other Native ...
The King David Hotel in Jerusalem, a symbol of Israel's history, from British Mandate to modern conflicts, and peace efforts.
From Snyder’s On Tyranny to modern authoritarian trends, historians explore the critical lessons from the 20th century ...
Dr. Katherine Lennard, Frockt Family Chair and Associate Professor of History, hopes to build on this understanding to enrich the perspectives of students with HIST 316: The U.S. Civil War in Pop ...