He received a traditional wooden Grindelwald sled when he was baptized as a baby ... And if it’s December or January and we get fresh snow, nobody uses a bike or the car. It’s a sled or ...
While some sputtered and others roared, over 60 snowmobiles and other snow travel contrivances dating back to the 1940’s were on display at the Westport Fish & Game Club. “This has been a great ...
The Tolovana Roadhouse — built in 1924 and used to provide shelter during the Serum Run of 1925 — once again hosted mushers ...
With just days to spare, the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race’s new Burled Arch has arrived in Nome as the town anxiously awaits ...
As we skimmed along the ice and hard-packed snow, I mentally reviewed my good fortune. Well for me that I had found enough dry wood to make a fire and that the new socks and shoes had remained dry.
First on any Sapporo itinerary is Odori Park, a sprawling park smack dab in the heart of the city. This outdoor attraction ...
Outdoors reporter Steve Featherstone learns the perils of riding for the first time in NY's snowmobiling mecca.
Mansfield native and Iditarod Trail Sled Dog racer Matthew Failor crossed frozen sea ice Thursday night to reach the Koyuk ...