Three goals are being pursued with Germany’s massive rearmament offensive: Breaking free from military dependence on the US, ...
It was thanks to former WWI pilot Tommy Hitchcock that the P-51 entered U.S service — and changed the skies over Europe ...
As noted by the Dark Skies MSN channel in the text caption to their video titled “Flying Artillery: The Untold Story of the ...
Discover the Intrepid Museum's World War II exhibit, showcasing the Corsair aircraft and artifacts from Loren Isley's final mission and other historic items.
As time goes on, keeping these warbirds flying becomes more difficult, and restoring them from parts is nearly impossible ...
In these worst of times, with the world order tottering, I find myself reliving my early days, growing up with a real ...
Waltz says Iran confrontation ‘coming to a head,’ peace talks underway for Ukraine war, Hegeth’s message to Asian allies: ...
Some airplanes are graceful, beautiful machines that soar effortlessly through the sky. Others, not so much. Which airplanes ...
But the bold Argentine A-4 Skyhawks’ efforts were all for naught: Argentina surrendered to the British the following day.
I n the world of commercial aviation, aircraft leasing companies (or lessors as they are more commonly known) are broadly ...
I’ll tell him, ‘You’re a racist,’" Tuskegee Airman Col. James H. Harvey III said of the president's efforts to purge federal ...