OPEC has withdrawn from the oral statement portion of The International Court of Justice's advisory opinion on the ...
The top United Nations court has taken up the largest case in its history, hearing the plight of several small island nations ...
The ICJ kicked off unprecedented hearings Monday aimed at setting legal guidelines for how countries should protect the ...
On December 2, the International Court of Justice began hearing oral statements on the Advisory Opinion relating to the ...
The International Court of Justice is due to hear from 98 states and 12 international organisations - including many ...
The most vulnerable countries hope the ICJ will decide to strengthen the legal and financial obligations of those responsible ...
The island nation of Vanuatu criticized representatives for major emitters like the U.S. and China for their remarks during ...
The top UN court will take up the largest case in its history on Monday. It opens two weeks of hearings into what countries ...
China told the top U.N. court on Tuesday that existing U.N. treaties should provide the basis for its advisory opinion on ...