La Organización de la Aviación Civil Internacional (OACI) acogería con agrado que el espectro de frecuencias radioeléctricas atribuido se ampliase al mismo ritmo que el ya considerable volumen de ...
El Reglamento de las Telecomunicaciones Internacionales (RTI) es un tratado con carácter vinculante administrado por la UIT que gobierna la manera en que los países vinculan todo tipo de redes de la ...
ITU's workshop on the future of TV in Europe discussed regulatory and policy frameworks for technologies in broadcasting.
Connecter les bibliothèques publiques, les centres culturels, les musées, les bureaux de poste et les services d’archives Selon les indicateurs de l’UIT, le taux global de pénétration du téléphone ...
ITU's Headquarters in Geneva (Place des Nations, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland) are conveni ently located overlooking the Place des Nations in the Heart of Geneva's United Nations district. Access is ...
WRS-24 equips participants with the latest knowledge and tools for effective spectrum management with training on applying ...
One of the most important inventions of the twentieth century was broadcasting with analogue radio and television systems. The last few years, however, have seen the birth of digital broadcasting.
En Tampere, ciudad de Finlandia situada a 200 km al norte de Helsinki, 225 delegados de 75 países se congregaron en junio de 1998 en el marco de la Conferencia Intergubernamental sobre ...
This year, the theme of World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD) was “Protecting children in cyberspace”. In selecting the theme at its meeting in November 2008, ITU’s Council drew ...
Is the world on track to meet the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDG)? The answer to this question will be crucial in evaluating the ambitious project the UN launched in September 2000.
The P2C Annual Meeting 2024 will take plate at ITU Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, on 30 January 2025 from 1400-1730 CET ...