On Dec. 10, apple breeder Kate Evans revealed the official brand name of WA 64: Sunflare at the Northwest Horticulture Expo in Yakima. The apple's debut comes after a creative contest drew the ...
The apple is now called Sunflare. The name Sunflare was chosen from a public contest that attracted over 15,000 responses. This new variety is a cross between Honeycrisp and Pink Lady apples.
Washington State University’s latest darling crop has a name. Meet Sunflare, previously WA 64, the university’s newest apple. A public contest with more than 15,000 submissions earlier this ...
After getting 15,000 entries in a naming contest, Washington State University agricultural researchers have decided to call ...
However, if you were thinking of running out to your local supermarket produce section to sample the new apple variety, you’ll have a long wait. Sunflare apples are not due to arrive in stores ...
The apple, a cross between Honeycrisp and Cripps Pink previously known as WA 64, will be called Sunflare. The name was picked from more than 15,000 responses to a public naming contest.