Bouts will be scored using a traditional "10-point must system," which is the most commonly used scoring system in boxing. At the end of each round, judges "must" award 10 points to the boxer who won ...
Stay updated with the latest breaking news from the world of boxing, right here. Our dedicated team of reporters brings you the most important stories as they happen. Why Choose 101 Great Goals ...
The 101 brand embodies his unwavering commitment ... Mayweather's wide-ranging portfolio includes real estate, the Mayweather Boxing + Fitness gyms and Mayweather Promotions, all of which cement ...
Boxing 101 is to hit one target to make another target vulnerable. Topuria’s head and body shots are symbiotic in that one sets up the other. In the sparring footage, Topuria’s nasty head ...
Legendary boxer and businessman Floyd Mayweather enters the performance nutrition ring with new 101 (One Of One) product line ...
Developed by boxing great Floyd Mayweather and seasoned industry leader Magnum Nutraceuticals, 101 was built on the shared belief that everyone deserves a trusted, results-driven supplement brand.