Donald Trump wants tariffs. The European Union (EU) wants payback. The European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, ...
Inspired by Command and Conquer and Company of Heroes, the seriously nasty RTS games Warfare 1917 and Warfare 1944 are finally back.
The main draw of any open-world game is that it offers adventure and exploration, allowing players to go anywhere they want.
Someone once played a single game of Civilization 2 for a decade and the result was a ruined earth and endless war in 3991 AD ...
Game Rant's Editor-In-Chief, Anthony Taormina, gives his live impressions on the latest showings from Sony and PlayStation. Fallout 4 is nearing its 10 Year anniversary and there are many reasons ...
Metacritic aggregates music, game, tv, and movie reviews from the leading critics. Only uses METASCORES, which let you know at a glance how each item was reviewed. Find your next game ...