A new study has identified a genetic circuit in plants that controls individual leaf growth and allows the plants to adapt to their environment. The findings could help the development of more drought ...
Confocal overview of a TaEPF1 OE wheat leaf showing epidermal layer (purple), subtending mesophyll cells (green), a stomate (St) consisting of guard cells and associated subsidiary cells and ...
The waxy cuticle surface on the outside protects the leaf and prevents excess water loss. The palisade cells at the upper side are packed with chloroplasts to maximise photosynthesis. On the lower ...
This food-making process takes place in the leaf in numerous cells containing chlorophyll, which gives the leaf its green color. This extraordinary chemical absorbs from sunlight the energy that is ...
Because EIN2 also has roles in cell growth control and stress response, it will be interesting to investigate whether this gene can link the genetic control of leaf cell senescence with seasonal ...
The lotus leaf is renowned for its self-cleaning and ... the lotus effect to develop a system for culturing cancer cell ...