One thousand six hundred years ago, in a city named after the famous emperor Hadrian, bored Roman soldiers spent their free time shuffling counters around a game board in an attempt to hone their ...
Karabük University “The discovery of strategy games in Hadrianopolis further solidifies the presence of a military unit here, as it is known that bone pieces were used to play ancient strategy ...
Russia’s military strategy has long been shaped by its geopolitical ... Cyber and information warfare play a significant role in Russia’s strategy, heavily influenced by China’s cyber ...
April 2018 Robert B. McKeon Endowed Series on Military Strategy and Leadership with the U.S. Service Chiefs Speakers: General James C. McConville, Vice Chief of Staff ...
This series of meetings, featuring the chairman of the joint chiefs, service chiefs, and other leadership from the military and intelligence communities, was endowed in 2007 through a gift from ...