The upcoming final season of the Netflix comedy wraps up the lead character's (played by co-creator Amer) journey as a stateless refugee to secure an American passport.
In its second week, the new season of Squid Game continues to break records as it amassed 126.2 million views total across 11 ...
Amer plays alter-ego Mo Najjar in the show, a character who straddles the line between two cultures, three languages, and “a ton of bullshit as a Palestinian on the path to U.S. citizenship,” ...
One of the most important TV shows of 2022, comedian Mo Amer's lauded Netflix series Mo returns for a second season at the end of January. Created by Amer with Ramy Youssef, and d ...
Fort Smith Marshals gear up for their second season in the Mid-America League with new plans, a full offseason, and fan-friendly initiatives.