On December 2, the International Court of Justice began hearing oral statements on the Advisory Opinion relating to the Obligations of States in respect of Climate Change ...
A landmark climate change case begins at the world court. In its largest case in history, the International Court of Justice ...
Many high-mountain rivers in Asia transport more sediment downstream compared to a few years ago. Changes in sediment levels ...
Photos show climate change impacting national parks from Yellowstone's flooding to warming temperatures in Denali. Wildfires ...
Increases in global grain production are mostly due to changes in agricultural technologies and an increase in cultivated ...
The top United Nations court has taken up the largest case in its history, hearing the plight of several small island nations ...
Development agencies fund green projects when people need jobs, food and energy.
The top United Nations court has taken up the largest case in its history, hearing the plight of small island nations facing ...
The International Court of Justice, the United Nations’ highest judicial body, is beginning landmark hearings on global ...
The top United Nations court will take up the largest case in its history on Monday, when it opens two weeks of hearings into ...
Officials from almost 100 countries are at the International Court of Justice in the Netherlands, asking the court to issue ...