This paper examines the welfare effects of the unilateral trade preferences scheme of the Generalized System of Preferences for United Kingdom (UK)–India trade on households in India. The design of ...
Amid geopolitical risks there is a rise in trade protection, and the threat of Trump’s tariffs have only escalated the uncertainty in global markets.
Evidence suggests that the world is becoming increasingly volatile in the face of complex and interconnected challenges. It is also clear that we are failing to achieve key climate and development ...
This paper investigates the sudden 2019 termination by the United States Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) of trade with India as a quasi-natural experiment. Given the re-election of Donald ...
One of the most common discussions amongst those living in the land reform areas today focuses on how will the next generation get land. Those who got the land during the land reform in 2000 are now ...
This resource guide from the Knowledge for Development and Diplomacy programme (K4DD) is designed to provide the UK Government’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) staff and other ...
Cornwall, A. (2002) Making spaces, changing places : situating participation in development. Working paper series, 170. Brighton: IDS.
This paper examines the political economy of the agricultural policy processes in Malawi through the lenses of the fertilizer subsidy programme that has raised the profile of the country on the ...
The National Policy for Children 2013 adopted by the Government of India in April 2013, adheres to the Constitutional mandate and guiding principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of ...
Dietary diversity is associated with household or individual food availability and intake of nutrients from different food groups and is an important component of nutritional outcome. This study ...
Nutrition surveillance – or the systematic and periodic collection of information on nutrition – is vital to the capacity of governments and other agencies to track their progress towards reducing ...
This report attempts to provide an overview of philanthropy and the ‘philanthropic eco‐system’ that has evolved over the recent decade. Special focus of the report is on overseas philanthropy and ...