The show stars Jude Law alongside a cast of young actors, including Robert Timothy Smith as Neel and Kyriana Kratter as KB.
Being a Star Wars fan in the 2020s can feel like you need Jyn Erso contantly reminding you that 'Fandoms are built on hope!' ...
The concept of living in a hermetically sealed bubble features largely in Skeleton Crew’s first couple of episodes, as it introduces you to its quartet of younglings whose dreams for adventure ...
Set in the same timeframe as The Mandalorian, Skeleton Crew follows a group of young people who find themselves lost in space ...
Fern, played by Ryan Kiera Armstrong, is the leader of the pack while Wim (Ravi Cabot-Conyers) is the dreamer of the group.
Lucasfilm Chief Creative Officer Dave Filoni has shared a big update on where things stand with Ahsoka season 2 and The ...
The late Colin Cantwell of Colorado Springs designed most of the prototype ships for 1977’s “Star Wars,” and lately, Colorado ...
Disney+ has churned out “Star Wars” series for five years now, sometimes winning with audiences (“The Mandalorian”), ...
Skeleton Crew is a treasure trove of Easter eggs. Monday’s two-episode series premiere of the Disney+ series introduced four ...
Thankfully, this Disney+ series has a solid story to tell, even as it leans into the Reagan-era Easter eggs and borderline fanfiction territory.
Skeleton Crew introduces something we never expected to see in the Star Wars universe - suburbs. IGN spoke with creators Jon ...
Skeleton Crew‘s two-episode premiere was bookended by the introduction of two mysterious character – who may well indeed be ...